
I'm MEC.

Everyone thinks my name is too long, so that's how we got to MEC, or it can be 'M.E.,' but people can get weirded out by that. No one wants to be like, 'hey ME,' that's just confusing. But, also, who wants to spend one whole second saying Mary Elizabeth when you could spend half the time saying MEC. Think of all the time you'll save in your life. You can spend that time eating pizza, watching Netflix, playing on your phone, or doing anything else that is important to you.

So it's nice to meet you. I'm MEC.

From the nation's capital to where the wind comes sweeping down the plains.

What I may lack in traditional 9 to 5 experience, I believe I more than make up for in my 5 to 9 experience. Yes, that is AM to PM. My experience as an equestrian athlete, which I continued through my undergraduate career at SMU, has taught me what it truly means to be dedicated and committed. The sport has taught me never to quit, to do my best at every turn, and to be able to adapt to any situation because I am dealing with a partner that can change their mind in an instant. I carry this work ethic and passion into everything I do.

This translates into what started as just a love for photography. I have fallen in love with the experience of creating and telling others' stories. From photography to videography, motion design and graphic design, it has been an amazing experience. I am passionate about telling people's stories in the most creative way possible.